Church of St Margaret of Scotland

Churches & Parish Halls

Church of St Margaret of Scotland, Twickenham: Refurbishment and remodelling of church social facilities, completed 2022. The Church of St Margaret is a Grade II Listed building dating from 1969. This scheme for refurbishment and remodelling secured the approval of the Historic Churches Commission. The social facilities including the Kitchen, Bar, WCs and Hall were greatly in need of refurbishment when we commenced Feasibility Studies in 2017, and the opening up of the Basement to serve as a parish meeting facility was added to the brief. The photos show the refurbished and remodelled Kitchen and Bar areas viewed from the Parish Hall.

The Kitchen was enlarged and completely refitted to serve as a semi-commercial catering facility with new equipment including a commercial fast-cycle dishwasher, a mechanical extract system, and a fire-rated roller shutter linked to the new wireless fire alarm system installed throughout the scheme. The Bar area was stripped-out and refitted completely with new equipment including a fast-cycle commercial glasswasher and bottle cooler cabinets. New LED Lighting was installed throughout the scheme, and this included an LED Light sheet behind the specially commissioned artwork for the etched satin-mirrored roundel in the back bar area. The bespoke bar countertop was made of recycled glass. The Kitchen & Bar fronts and new doors were finished in Crown Cut Maple.

As a result of these improvements the parish can extend the range of potential lettings and has successfully garnered improved revenues from the hire of the facilities, as well as being able to revitalise parish activities, principally as a consequence of the enhancements to the Bar, Kitchen, Hall & WCs.